Worst Drivers on the Road

I spend a lot of time on the road everyday, and see all sorts of bad driving. Through my observations, I have been able to identify the worst drivers out there. And the winner is, without a doubt, car2go drivers, followed closely by Evo drivers.

I will give you fair warning: if you see a car2go nearby, watch out. The drivers of these not-too-smart cars apparently think they are driving a go kart, zipping in and out of traffic, always racing to get somewhere, probably because the drivers pay by the minute. Look in your mirror, they are, right on your bumper. Then they zip around you, and you catch up to them at the next light. That won’t happen again, because next time the driver blasts through the amber/red light. There they are, down the road, buzzing around like a drunken bee; they have to get somewhere quickly – who wants to pay for that extra minute.

Then there’s another type of car2go and Evo driver: dazed and confused. They slow down on the road, a co-pilot is trying to give directions to the hapless driver who has no idea of where they’re going. They could easily pull over and try to figure things out, but why do that when you can impede and disrupt traffic? Hey, we’re special, we’re saving the environment because we’re using a car share; our ignorance of driving etiquette and rules of the road is the price you other suckers have to pay for owning a car.

At 8:00 in the morning, you can guarantee that you will see a car2go or Evo vehicle parked in a no-stopping zone. They don’t care, what the hell, I’ll just leave it here and hopefully someone else takes the car before 7:00 am.

One day I was waiting in the Point Grey ICBC office for one of my students to return from her road test. She should have been back by this time, and I was wondering what was taking so long. When she finally returned, the examiner told me that they had been involved in an accident. And what had happened? They were rear-ended by a car2go while stopped at a traffic light. My student passed her road test; who knows how the car2go driver passed his.

If you would like to be a better driver than numerous car share users, I can help. I will help you identify the numerous hazards on the road, including the hopeless car2go drivers. If you want to prepare for a successful Point Grey class 5 or class 7 road test, I can also help.  Just contact me, Perry, the Point Grey road test expert.