Tag Archives: beginning drivers

"Dangerous Driver" Passes Road Test

As a driving instructor, I am not allowed to make comments about driver examiners. For example, before a road test, I never tell my students my feelings about the potential examiners. You see the examiners huddled together, and the examinee wonders, “Which one am I going to get? I hope I get a nice one.” I tell my students that they’re all the same, but of course they’re not. After the road test, my students always tell me about their road test experience and the behaviour of the examiner during the test. This is not Las Vegas – what happens on the road test does not stay on the road test.

Recently one of my students came for her road test using her own car. In the pre-trip portion of the road test, instead of turning on the headlights when requested, she turned on the parking lights. Well, the examiner apparently did not like this. During the road test, the examiner, according to the student, kept badgering her to find out who her driving instructor was. She basically told him that this information was irrelevant to the road test at hand. He then proceeded to give his opinions about the driver training industry, and how he was very unhappy with the poor level of instruction these days. They can’t even teach their students how to turn on their headlights. He mentioned the name of one driving instructor and asked her if that was her teacher. She told him that she didn’t know who that person was, but no, this examiner would not let the topic go. The stressful road test had another layer of pressure added.

Now, let’s go to the end of the road test. The car is parked, and now is the time the examiner is supposed to give his verdict. Not this one; he proceeded to point out the examinee’s shortcomings and tell her that she was a “dangerous driver.” She assumed that she had failed. He then told her to come into the office so he could take her picture. What the hell? Did she pass? What’s going on? Inside the office, she eventually realized that she had passed.

When my client related this bizarre adventure to me, she expressed her astonishment with the whole experience. Why was the examiner so concerned about who had taught her how to drive? (She had learned from her brother-in-law, with some extra help from me.) Why did she pass if she was a “dangerous driver”? Why didn’t the examiner tell her at the end of the road test that she had passed? Anyway, all this goes to show that you can pass your road test even if the examiner thinks you are a “dangerous driver”.

Now a word from our sponsor: New Day Vancouver Driving School conducts driving lessons in the city of Vancouver. We teach beginning drivers. We can help you prepare for the Class 7 or Class 5 road test. If you have failed your road test, we can help you get on the path to successful re-attempt. Take control of your driving with the road test expert – New Day Vancouver Driving School.